Goodbye to our girl - R.I.P.

Daniel took her to the vet this morning to have her put down - it was time. The rest of us wept and tried to keep it from the customers. She will be missed.
They've already picked out a new border collie pup from the same breeding farm, and I think she will be arriving in a week or so. I think Brenda feels it's too soon, but I agree with Daniel, who said today that "this farm needs that kind of love." It's not about replacing, because no one can replace a friend, but it's about continuing with life, and having a puppy to care for and love will ease our hearts while we mourn and make the transition a better one.
I had a rollicking headache all day today, feel as though I may be coming down with something. The barometric pressure is probably screwy due to the rainstorms passing through the area, and that always gives me headaches too.
For the most part, I'm just glad this day is over.
Losing a dog is like losing a part of your family. They give so much of themselves. My deep sympathy to everyone.
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