My Two Week Review
In honor of passing my two week review yesterday with extremely humble and self-effacing flying colors (and thus moving from lowly hourly pay to a pretty exciting starting salary), I have invited a few of my old friends over to celebrate.
"But this is mahvelous!
Quick, dahling - call Carey!
I don't vant to celebrate alone!"
"Well, this is just grand. Let's call Jimmy
and see what he has to say about it!"
"Why... why, C.K. Dexter Haven, I told you
she could do it! See here, I even brought
some champagne to toast the event!"
"And you wanna know why I brought champagne?
Well, I'll tell you, C.K. Dexter Haven!"
"Because champagne is a great levelererer."

Quick, dahling - call Carey!
I don't vant to celebrate alone!"

and see what he has to say about it!"

she could do it! See here, I even brought
some champagne to toast the event!"

Well, I'll tell you, C.K. Dexter Haven!"

Well done! And I love the pics - they brought back memories and also illustrated the article well.
It would have taken me a month to storyboard that out. Wonderful!
And GREAT on your review. Awesome~!
Cute, cute! Congratulations.
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