For Angela, Monte, and Ronda
My mom told me that a few of the women she works with have checked out this blog and were especially digging the pictures of Billy Zane that I posted previously. Well, here's looking at you, kids! In case you care, I've screen-captured these pictures off a DVD called "Invincible", which came out in 2001.
Now that I have landed this great vineyard job, and started keeping this journal, do you think the universe has decided to stop messing around with my HEAD?
Why, no, of course not. Now that I am all excited about selling wine, I have received a call back from one of the jobs I applied for a very long time ago. A job which is much, much closer to where I live, which pays a bit more than I'd be making here at the vineyard, which has more job security, and offers better health coverage. Assuming that I actually get offered this other position, making this decision will be like dancing the tango with a two-edged sword.

The vineyard job is emotionally satisfying but not very mentally challenging. The second job is very mentally challenging and involves the security of aircraft over the North Atlantic Ocean. Yeah - see what I mean? Hmmmmmmmmm....................
My artistic soul loves the beauty of the countryside and the freedom of wine country, but my brain craves the learning of new codes, tactics, and skills. My self-worth craves the doing of a job that really makes a difference in the lives of other people. When I think of the timing of all of this, I just have to smile.
The vineyard job could disappear in a cloud of vapor if the owners decide to get divorced or die an untimely death. But the atmosphere there is very nourishing to me. The second job is only fifteen minutes from my house, and I would be able to have occasional weekends off - which I will not have with the vineyard job. There are so many pros and cons to think about, and none of them is all-encompassing or makes this an easy choice.
I have to center myself, get my mojo in balance, put my karma in gear, and decide what the heck I really want to do with my life.
A tough call, Vina. Good luck whatever you choose.
My bet is that the vineyard loses...
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